
Transforming a small jet stream powered swimming pool into a dynamic pool with real-time speed adjustments based on swimmers' movements.

July 7, 2023
Sam van Houten
Data science
Product management
Swimm swimming pool with person in it

The project aimed to transform the small jet stream powered swimming pool (4x2 meters) into a dynamic pool that adjusts the swimming speed based on the swimmer's speed in the pool. The goal was to provide swimmers with a seamless and personalized swimming experience, accommodating both beginners and professional swimmers.

Understanding the physics and framework development

  1. Research and Analysis: The team conducted in-depth research to understand the physics of swimming in a jet-streamed water mass. They identified key variables such as swimmer position, jet stream speed, and water friction affecting swimmer speed.
  2. Theoretical Framework: Based on the research, the team developed a theoretical framework to calculate the swimmer's speed using the identified variables. This framework served as the foundation for the dynamic speed adjustment system.

Monitoring and data collection

  1. Camera Setup: A camera was installed above the pool to monitor swimmers' movements. The video footage would be crucial for analyzing swimmer positions and speeds.
  2. Data Collection: Using the video material, the team collected data on swimmers' positions and speeds as they swam at a static speed. This data formed the initial training dataset for the system.

Development of swimmer location prediction system

  1. Swim Location Identification: The team developed a system that could identify the swimmer's body in the pool accurately. This involved training a computer vision model using the video material to recognize the swimmer's location in real-time.
  2. Swim Location Prediction: Building upon the identification system, the team created an algorithm to predict the swimmer's future locations based on their previous positions. This predictive capability was crucial for understanding swimmer speed changes.

Dynamic speed adjustment algorithm

  1. Algorithm Design: Using the predicted swimmer locations and the theoretical framework, the team designed an algorithm to adjust the pool's jet stream speed in real-time. The algorithm considered factors like responsiveness, swimmer skill level, and drag caused by different body positions.
  2. Balancing User Scenarios: The team conducted numerous iterations and testing with a diverse group of swimmers to ensure the algorithm's adaptability for different swimmer styles and skill levels. They focused on minimizing bias towards professional swimmers while still providing optimal experiences for all users.

Integration and optimization

  1. Integration with Existing Systems: The dynamic speed adjustment system was designed to seamlessly integrate with the company's existing hardware and software solutions. It was developed as a standalone add-on to the pool.
  2. Lag Reduction: To improve system responsiveness, the team worked on reducing the lag caused by the software and video camera running on the cloud. Optimization efforts were made to ensure real-time adjustments without significant delays.

The project successfully achieved the goal of creating a dynamic pool with speed adjustment capabilities based on the swimmer's speed. By combining physics, computer vision, and algorithm design, the team provided swimmers with a personalized and immersive swimming experience. The project's collaborative approach with the company's founder ensured a smooth integration of the system with the existing infrastructure. Continuous testing and user feedback allowed the team to refine the algorithm and cater to a diverse range of swimmers, delivering an innovative and enjoyable swimming solution.

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