
Velit consequuntur nihil et assumenda labore ex. Labore eaque laudanti

July 5, 2023
Sam van Houten
Data science
Sed qui consequatur asperiores eius voluptas similique et. Dolorum nesciunt praesentium at velit voluptatum esse. Nihil amet suscipit eos

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a pressing need for rapid and accurate virus detection methods. Spektrax, an innovative organization, is developing a nanotechnology-based ultra-rapid virus test kit that can analyze in-vitro samples within minutes. The portable, handheld device turns these samples into high-dimensional data using Raman spectroscopy. However, the challenge lies in interpreting this data and building a real-time classification model to identify the presence of viruses accurately.

Data Interpretation and Visualization

To address these challenges, data science experts collaborated with Spektrax to transform the Raman spectroscopy data into an understandable format for machine learning algorithms. They started by identifying the differences between high and low-quality datasets and created visualizations to determine whether the samples contained the right information. This process enabled the lab team to improve the data quality significantly. To expedite insights, a data warehouse and a web application were set up, allowing the lab team to upload new data and instantly visualize the results.

1.5 Meter Distance Hackathon

Spektrax organized a 1.5 meter distance hackathon to accelerate various challenges, including data preprocessing and quality control. Flexibility and speed were essential during the development and validation phase of the data science solution.

Developing a Real-time Classification Model

The next crucial step was to develop a real-time classification model that could identify viruses accurately. To prevent overfitting, the team carefully avoided bias at every stage, from data collection to model training. Cross-validation was performed on each dataset, and continuous addition of more data ensured improved model performance. Selecting the right algorithm was crucial to the success of the model. The in-house data science team at Spektrax is currently conducting further research and development to optimize the classification model continually.

Future outlook

Although there is significant demand for fast screening, Spektrax is committed to thorough validation before launching their system. Their aim is to bring reliable and validated virus test kits to the market in 2021. The collaboration with the data tech team has been instrumental in driving this ambitious startup towards success. The complete solution is undergoing further optimization, and the team looks forward to the future successes of Spektrax and its innovative technology.

*Update: Spektrax has been rebranded into Nostics

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